Multifunctional Cosmetics (Cosmetic Science and Technology Series)

  by  Schueller R., Romanowski P. 
Hardcover: 248 pages 
Publisher: Informa Healthcare; 1 edition (October 16, 2002) 
Language: English 
ISBN-10: 082470813X 
ISBN-13: 978-0824708139

Book description:In the last several years our industry has seen a shift toward the widespread acceptance of, and even demand for, products that offer more than one primary benefit. A variety of technological and marketing factors have contributed to this shift. From a technological standpoint, improved raw materials and formulation techniques have improved the formulator's ability to create products that can accomplish multiple tasks. In fact, certain performance attributes that were at one time viewed as incompatible or mutually exclusive (such as simultaneous shampooing and conditioning of hair or concurrent cleansing and moisturizing
of skin) are now routinely delivered by single products. From a business perspective, changing marketing tactics have also played a role in the escalation of product functionality. Marketers have become increasingly bold in their attempts to differentiate their products from those of their competitors. Thus, products that claim to have three-in-one function ality attempt to outdo those that are merely two-in-ones. For these reasons, among others, it has become important for cosmetic chemists to understand how to develop and evaluate multifunctional personal care formulations.