Kaplan USMLE Medical Ethics 100 cases

Publisher: Kaplan Education
Number Of Pages: 208
Publication Date: 2006-09-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1419542095
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781419542091
Binding: Paperback

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This book is a must have for the USMLE 1,2 CK , and 3 as well as MRCP PACES.

USMLE Medical Ethics: The 100 Cases You are Most Likely to See on the Exam is designed to help guide readers through this challenging, standardized patient exam. It includes advice and information about the ethical issues relating to the following topics:
1- End of life issues
2- Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide
3- Competence
4- Medical malpractice
5- Abortion related issues
6- HIV related issues
7- many others