Introduction to Spectroscopy by Donald L. Pavia

Introduction to Spectroscopy

Title : Introduction to Spectroscopy
Authors : Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S. Kriz , James A. Vyvyan.
Language: English
Pages : 656

Description : This comprehensive resource provides an unmatched systematic introduction to spectra and basic theoretical concepts in spectroscopic methods that create a practical learning resource whether you're an introductory student or someone who needs a reliable reference text on spectroscopy. This well-rounded introduction features updated spectra; a modernized presentation of one-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy; the introduction of biological molecules in mass spectrometry; and inclusion of modern techniques alongside DEPT, COSY, and HECTOR. Count on this book's exceptional presentation to provide the comprehensive coverage you need to understand today's spectroscopic techniques.
